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Near field in a sentence

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Sentence count:34Posted:2024-05-31Updated:2024-05-31
Similar words: far-fieldgarfieldscalar fieldjames garfieldjames a. garfieldairfieldbutterfieldcenter field
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31. With the aim of achieving high coupling power of RWG SLDs into SMFs, the structure dependences of the output power and the near field pattern are investigated.
32. The near field coupling device may be formed, for example on a printed circuit board with a plurality of electrically interconnected traces and a ground plane.
33. On the basic, calculates the near field RCS of corner reflector and cavity.
34. A pseudo-3-dimmentional FEM procedure was utilized to derive the impedance function at the footing center and the transfer functions at specified points in the near field.
More similar words: far-fieldgarfieldscalar fieldjames garfieldjames a. garfieldairfieldbutterfieldcenter fieldvector fieldcomputer fieldchesterfieldlinear filtercenter fieldernonlinear filtersearch fieldearth's magnetic fieldspearfishfieldfieldsafieldinfieldoldfieldsubfieldcanfieldoutfieldupfieldfielderice fieldfieldingfar afield
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